The South China Morning Post reported on March 13, 2020, citing Chinese government documents that the first case of Wuhan infection in the country was discovered on November 17, 2019, not in December as previously announced.
The source said the new Wuhan flu had spread to people in China much earlier than official Beijing-approved information.
The search for “Patient No. 0” can now be compared to “searching the needle of the seabed” because China made it in every way to conceal information and hide the truth. But one thing is undeniable: Wuhan is the beginning of the new strain of influenza. And mankind and history will name the disease that is causing the global health crisis today is Wuhan flu or Wuhan pneumonia even when World Health Organization (WHO) continually dedicates scholarly names to this plague.
The first infected was a 55-year-old man living in Hubei Province, China. On November 17, 2019, he was diagnosed with symptoms, which later became known as Wuhan flu.
However, Chinese government reports do not specify where the patient is from Hubei, from the city of Wuhan, which is considered by the Chinese government to be a outbreak center or another local area of Hubei province.
From November 17, 2019, the government recorded 1 to 5 new infections per day across Hubei Province. All need to be treated for symptoms of acute respiratory failure.
After that, from December 15, 2019, the number of cases increased to several dozens a day.
According to the official document, from 20 to 27 December 2019, the number of infections had tripled, with a total of 180 patients.
As of January 1, 2020, Hubei province had 381 people infected with Wuhan virus.
These documents show that China did not pay attention to the risk of new outbreaks until mid-January 2020. Later, all new cases were identified as new strains of influenza.
According to the WHO, the first confirmed case of Wuhan flu in China was on December 8, 2019, but the WHO did not monitor the disease itself but relied only on countries to provide information. believe that.

On December 8, 2019, the Chinese government recorded the first patient to start showing symptoms of Wuhan flu infection.
However, a report published in The Lancet medical journal of Chinese doctors from Jin Yin Dam Hospital in Wuhan, which treated some of the earliest patients, said the first case was reported known on Jan 12, 2020.
Ignoring the warnings from mid-December 2019 of some Chinese doctors about the new flu, even detaining and harassing them, the authorities of Hubei province and Wuhan city just considered it a specific type of pneumonia or a new pathogen.
According to the South China Morning Post, the medical community in Wuhan started learning about the disease in late December 2019. Earlier reports showed that, although doctors in the city had collected samples from patients, they were still unable to determine exactly what the disease was at the time, without the approval of China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It was not until January 20 that Chinese authorities acknowledged that Wuhan flu can be transmitted from person to person.
Due to the lack of transparency of the Chinese government and the WHO’s irresponsibility at the time of the sign of the emergence of the new strain of Wuhan influenza, an important work in the treatment of the disease is finding zero patients is almost impossible.
Finding out “Patient No. 0” has a very important factor in treating the disease because it will help experts understand how Wuhan flu is transmitted from animals to humans.
Experts say that the Wuhan flu did not incubate for a short period of 5-14 days but much longer, the Chinese media once reported there had been an incubation case of up to 50 days. With such a long incubation period, the flu gets the host’s genetic code information, which changes itself to adapt and evolve. This new generation of flu will be more sophisticated than the first generation.
Moreover, according to the butterfly effect, every organism transmits information through the cosmic field, if the flu in one place mutates, the flu in another can also change without the need for an infected host.
China has made mistakes over and over again to make an outbreak, ignoring the ‘golden moment’ to quell the epidemic.
The strict control of the Communist Party’s information as well as the fear of social instability are the main reasons why the Wuhan pandemic has not been contained in the first place.
With criticism of the government’s negligence and bureaucracy that causes the outbreak of the disease around the world, China is cherishing the scheme of “changing skin color’ or “changing citizenship” for Wuhan pneumonia when a Chinese spokesman hinted that the US military brought new strains of flu into Wuhan.
US national security adviser Robert O’Brien on March 11 accused Beijing of delaying the world by two months to prepare for an outbreak.
“The outbreak in Wuhan has been hidden. It has taken the world two months to react,” he said.
In response to the allegation, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhao Lijian wrote on Twitter on March 12, “When did the United States have the zero patient? How many people were infected? Maybe the US military was the one who put it into Wuhan. Be transparent! Make your data public! America owes us an explanation.”
At the same time, China’s spokesman Geng Shuang
said the US officials were “irresponsible” in blaming Beijing for a more serious epidemic. He said China’s anti-epidemic efforts gave the world more time to prepare.
“We expect some US officials at this time to focus their efforts on responding to the virus and promote cooperation instead of blaming China,” said Geng.
It can be said that Chinese diplomats are focusing on promoting conspiracy theories that the US military has brought new strains of flu to Wuhan with the help of the media.

The Chinese government has mobilized diplomatic and media forces to launch a traceability campaign about the origin of the new strain of flu.
According to CNN’s analysis, which was reviewed on February 27, respected epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan
also questioned the source of Wuhan flu.
“The first case was detected in China, but the flu may not have originated in China,” he said in the press conference on Feb 27.
Next, speaking at a press conference in Beijing on March 4, Zhao Lijian told reporters “it is impossible to conclude where the origin of this flu came from” and Chinese scientists are still tracing their origin.
Later, Ms. Hua Chunying, deputy director of the Information Department of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, posted on Twitter about Mr. Redfield’s remarks, citing the statement “completely wrong and inappropriate to call China flu.”
The world in recent years has noted a new way of Chinese diplomacy, twitter diplomacy, a social network banned from use in the country like Facebook or Instagram, but specially designed for Chinese diplomats to use to attack the West.
Despite mobilizing a lot of manpower and material resources, the Chinese government’s plot to rewrite the history of Wuhan is still exposed.
Before the Chinese began to blindly illuminate the origin of the flu from Wuhan, after causing disaster for the whole world – the writer of Yan Yian from Beijing urged “Do not let Beijing rewrite the history of plague” on the occasion of the opening of a songwriting course for Hong Kong students. In the lecture of this distance course, he encouraged young people to keep the memories of the current Wuhan pandemic, based on what they have experienced and transferred to the next generation.
The world has become accustomed to the problem of “monopoly of truth, monopoly of history” in dictatorial communist countries and has formed a “vigilant” reflex with information from this country just like Chinese scholar Steve Tsang, a professor at the China Institute in London, emphasized: “The truth” in the Chinese way needs to be questioned in the West. It is we in the democratic world that must expose the propaganda rhetoric of the Chinese Communist Party.”
Instead of concluding, it would be quoted the message of writer Yan Li Khoa from the conspiracy to erase collective memory about the origin of the Wuhan virus of the Beijing government: “If not a warning person like medical doctor Li Wenliang, at least be a listener. If you cannot raise your voice, whisper in your ear. If you can’t whisper, be a silent crowd with memory and memories. In front of the thousands of people preparing to celebrate the victory over Wuhan flu, stand up silently and bury the grave of God in your heart. People who are imprinted with memory like red iron, can one day transfer their memories to future generations.”
Hoang Trung from Hanoi – (Translated)