Receiving VND100 billion for charity, singer Thuy Tien has reputation outperforming the state

The news of storms and floods in Vietnam’s central region still attracted the attention of the public. At the same time, the communist party congresses were still held throughout the country with majestic flags.

On October 20, the National Assembly held the opening session and spent a minute to commemorate Major General, National Assembly member Nguyen Van Man, and rescue soldiers at Rao Trang 3 hydropower plant.

While 22 soldiers who were crushed to death by mountains in Quang Tri have also found bodies, there are still 15 workers of Rao Trang 3 Hydropower whose bodies were buried from October 12 until now more than a week. The military’s efforts were halted after they found the bodies of 13 officers.

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National Assembly deputies in the mourning on October 20 in Hanoi

The National Assembly of the entire population but had a bias towards hundreds of people died, Professor Mac Van Trang said:

More than 100 people and soldiers died in the floods in the central region, the National Assembly should organize national mourning, otherwise it is necessary to remember all fellow victims, but it is only for one member of the National Assembly and the dead soldiers? The National Assembly of the entire population isn’t it?!”

Activist Nguyen Lan Thang also exclaimed frustratedly: “Why is the National Assembly elected by the people, but only for the army general, not thinking how many people have died due to the floods?”

Hundreds of angry comments claim that the National Assembly considers people’s lives too cheap, that “The National Assembly is the Party’s structure and spends tax money of the people, but no people vote.”

Another phenomenon that attracts public attention is that singer Thuy Tien has raised VND100 billion ($4.3 million) so far, while the Vietnam Fatherland Front in Hanoi has only raised VND22 billion.

Thus, the reputation of singer Thuy Tien has outperformed that of the Party and the State of Vietnam, although a Fan Page for the Communist Party’s Propaganda warned the people not to give money to “those who polishing their name ” and calling on people to send money to official organizations of the state including the Red Cross.

The Party’s public opinion shappers also rushed to speak slanderly in order to lower Thuy Tien’s reputation, even commenting on this singer’s body… but people still know how to choose Thuy Tien to represent money to help people in the Central region in need.

Perhaps the legitimate transparency of the state has no longer been trusted by the people compared to the heart of a singer because of the information that officials have been keeping charity money in previous years.

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Thuy Tien arrived very early with people in flood areas, after only 3 days, she received VND40 billion and after 1 week the raised amount was VND100 billion

Receiving a large amount of money also made Thuy Tien feel anxious because of her responsibility, she shared her feeling: “Now I am starting to worry, I don’t know how to hold this money for flood relief until I will to settle down in life and do business… But thinking about the joy of people receiving support and looking forward to every day, I will try my best.”

On social networks, many famous people and private companies in Vietnam are also participating in the call for donations.

However, lawyer Ngo Ngoc Trai, from Hanoi, said that there should be a new law “creating a legal corridor to protect relief activities like singer Thuy Tien.”

Because it seems that the state is monopolizing charity, and the fundraising of singers and artists is not in accordance with the regulations of the Government and if receiving the donation money, they must also transfer to the public fund.

Writing on his personal Facebook, he said: “Currently the issue of mobilizing contributions to flood disaster relief, is currently governed by Decree 64/2008 / ND-CP of the government on “Advocacy, receiving and distribution of donation for supporting people affected by consequences of natural disasters, fires, and serious incidents of patients with fatal diseases.”

He pointed out: “Through investigation, the content of this text is too out of date, no longer consistent with current reality.”

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Facebook Page The Communist Party’s Propaganda Department calls for not helping money for the famous celebrities … it implies not to send money to Thuy Tien and Tran Thanh

Specifically, Decree 64 stipulates that only the following state agencies can receive and distribute donations.

1. Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front; Vietnam Red Cross; central and local mass media; Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and Red Cross Association at all levels at local levels.

2. Social funds, charity funds regulated by the government.

3. Central organizations and units permitted by the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee; local organizations and units as permitted by the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees of provinces and districts.

4. Except for the organizations and units mentioned above, no organization, unit or individual are entitled to receive donations.”

For agencies and units that are the focal point to receive relief money and goods, the raised money must be deposited directly into the Relief Board’s account established by the Fatherland Front.

Mr. Ngo Ngoc Trai wrote: “Thus, considering this regulation, not only the work of singer Thuy Tien, actor Tran Thanh, many other artists or religious organizations, prestigious businessmen want Community service volunteers, are not done properly.”

Lawyer Dang Dinh Manh has an article with the title Thuy Tien phenomena as follows:

The information that the singer has raised an amount of up to VND100 billion has partly eased the gloomy news about the flood that is raging in the central provinces.”

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Volunteer groups from Hanoi, from the Central Highlands, have packed tens of thousands of banh chung (rice cake) to help the people of Central Vietnam

The very happy message is that the kindness, the compassion … among the people, the people with each other have not been completely lost in the face of mourning, human loss, and property due to natural and man-made disasters.

In addition, by the public willingness to send money, even, to send a lot of money to individuals for charity while there exist quite a lot of government organizations doing the same function have transmitted what message? It is not too difficult to realize that the public has lost a lot of faith in the integrity, non-profit of these organizations. Suppose, if the issue of the death of humanitarian organizations under the government because of their inefficiency and transparency, the public does not care much anymore, because they have chosen individuals as their believers. trust, send money for charity.

At this time, when colorful bright flowers are still being displayed, they fill the large halls to decorate the important political meetings. But the most beautiful flower, the brightest stars are not the officials who have just been elected to the chair of power, but the singer. Do not believe, any politician who has just been elected with 100% can be verified by calling for charitable donations like her.

The number of 100% of the election was given by the party. The figure of VND100 billion is entrusted by the public. The person who is 100% elected by the party is unlikely to be entrusted with VND100 billion by the public. But the person entrusted with VND100 billion by the public will certainly be elected 100% if he/she is a candidate.

Indeed, the singer is beautiful, both husband and wife are talented, a happy family, loved by the public, admired and trusted … If there is a free election, she wants to stand for election. For sure people will vote for her

Facebook Phuong Bich commented that: Who is the most reputable in Vietnam?

Not the prime minister, nor the president of the country, the president of the National Assembly, but Tran Thanh, Thuy Tien, and other stars of showbiz. I bet that any state official can do the same what the two stars do. State officials are only good at “stealing” from the state budget.

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A photo of Google Maps at the Indochina junction dividing the three countries VN Laos Cambodia, showing that the Vietnamese forest has been destroyed and pale, while the Laos and Cambodia sides are still green

Many people are also worried about Chan Thanh and Thuy Tiên. A few years ago, Phan Anh just called for VND24 billion, but it was terrible. Disbursing this money to buy rice/noodles/oil/fish sauce or even envelopes, it can’t be helped, have to spend on buying cows, heart surgery, etc … so he got criticized (Phan Anh probably scared still). Now this hundred billion, unless it is easy to build a house against floods like Jang Kều.

However, it is difficult but still does it. Only this is easy and impossible to do – it is to get rid of the local government’s doting habit. If they do not have a share, philanthropists should not dream of reaching the people. There were places they came to collect donations from affected people after the philanthropists left. This story was told by radio and television. Damn it,” Facebook Phuong Bich made a comment.

Blogger Bui Thanh Hieu also commented:

Thuy Tien has raised more than VND100 billion to help people affected by floods in Central Vietnam. This is a blow to the regime’s prestige. There will probably be a meeting to degrade her. Some of the regime’s petty writers will rely on people’s jealousy, to exploit it into a media campaign to defame her.

Fuck you guys, people give their money to the singer so she can distribute to the affected people, so she has brain and heart, no need for you to teach,” blogger Bui Thanh Hieu said annoyingly. (Translated)