From September 15, 2021, online information sites including social networks such as Facebook, Google, YouTube will have to remove advertising content within 24 hours if it is determined violating Vietnam’s laws by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
That is the content of Decree 70 of the Government of Vietnam to amend and supplement a number of articles of Decree 181 in 2013, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Advertising.
Vietnam’s state-controlled media reported on July 21 that the above decree was developed and issued at the proposal of the Ministry of Information and Communications to tighten cross-border advertising services in Vietnam.
Websites operated from abroad such as Google and Facebook are believed to be accounting for the majority of advertising revenue on digital platforms in Vietnam.
The new decree determines that foreign organizations and individuals that use websites to provide profit-making advertising services in Vietnam must comply with the provisions of the law promulgated by the Hanoi government.
Cross-border online platforms must notify the organization name, transaction name, head office address, server location or contact point in Vietnam 15 days before commencing advertising business.
Cross-border online platforms must provide information about organizations and individuals involved in cross-border advertising activities that show signs of violating the law to the authorities.
The advertising content is determined to be infringing under Vietnam’s Law on Cybersecurity and Law on Intellectual Property.
Thoibao.de (Translated)