Creating hard power and attacking consumers, will VinFast collapse?

It’s normal for cars to cause accidents, every brand has a car that causes an accident

Global businesses only create soft power, not hard power like authoritarian political forces. Brand equity is a combination of soft power, not hard power. That is kindness, respect for customers, after-sales service and quality assurance, etc.. Since then, customers have sympathies and then fall in love with the brand. That is an immeasurable value.

With VinFast, on the contrary, they build brands with hard power. In Vietnam, anyone who dares to criticize VinFast should be careful. Most of the newspapers propagandize for Vin, using a method no different from the way they propagandize for the regime. All work according to the formula: good show off, bad cover. There were technical errors that led to fire and explosion, causing loss of life, but the domestic press remained silent.

On July 28, a green taxi of GSM taxi company crashed continuously at an intersection in Da Nang. Soon after, a series of newspapers reported: The driver had a mental problem. This is an unusual sign when reporting about VinFast cars causing accidents. Quick and simultaneous conclusions in the newspapers make many people doubt whether the press is reporting under the direction of someone. The direction is oriented, leading the public out of suspicion that this VinFast car caused an accident due to a technical error?

The Vietnamese press is a protective stronghold for VinFast, which is a type of Communist propaganda machine operation. A kind of hard power that the boss of VinFast wants to impose on people’s thoughts and will.

And what is the result? As a result, never before has society been as anti-business as anti-VinFast. From overseas, where VinFast cannot control information, people expose the terrible technical errors of this brand, and information is transmitted via the Internet to the country.

Instead of using financial power to control the police and the media, to create hard power like the Communists, Vin Group’s Chairman Pham Nhat Vuong should use that financial power to improve product quality, create good services for customers, and build a good after-sales system, VinFast will have soft power.

Soft power is the foundation for all businesses, if they want to develop sustainably. If you want to swim to the big sea, you also need to create soft power, not give money to reporters to talk well about VinFast, and then there is always a potential risk of being exposed.

Hard power can only be created with the domestic market but bringing this way to the world market is guaranteed to fail. If you create soft power, you can both create a solid domestic market and enter the world market in the same way. However, VinFast still brings the business which relies on its financial resources and connection with state officials abroad, then that is the death knell for this brand.

According to our research, many customers who buy VinFast cars have been disillusioned. The quality of its car is poor and its after-sales service is also poor, making customers feel like they were taken away from the market by VinFast. Some complain softly on social networks, most choose to be silent. Because they know that VinFast cannot be touched, because this company can control both the police and the press.

Those who bought VinFast cars had to tell themselves “I’m stupid” then silently turned their backs on the company. Many people have bought VinFast cars because of patriotism. After knowing they were being taken advantage of, they stopped supporting them. When many users have such a mentality, it is difficult for VinFast to expand its market share. Hard power will not bring lasting benefits.

Customers have a low throat compared to the real VinFast, but when tens of thousands of customers turn their backs, they are strong enough to overthrow a bad brand. Even at home, it is difficult for VinFast to develop sustainably, let alone the world market. Using hard power and trying to headbutt a customer is suicide. (Translated)