The Vietnamese have a saying “Once you distrust ten thousand times you lose faith.” Even if you don’t keep your faith once, you won’t be able to regain the trust of others even if you try ten thousand times. However, for the Communists, distrust has not only happened once, but it has happened tens of thousands of times with the Vietnamese people and with the international community.
The fact that Minister of Public Security To Lam kidnapped people in Germany only happened once, but that was enough for the German government to consider the Communist government of Vietnam as bandits. When the German government received the news that Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan was in Germany and was being hunted as in the case of Trinh Xuan Thanh before, they immediately paid attention to her security issues. They were on the lookout for the Communist government to kidnap people again.
Kidnapping is part of the Vietnamese Communist government’s plan. To Lam has the budget and human resources for that purpose. They still have not been able to civilize, even though they have expanded their relations with civilized countries from the 90s to the present. Once the government has refused to be civilized, forever, they cannot be civilized. Already in the 21st century, having established diplomatic relations with most countries in the world, the Communist Party forgets that they are a polity that stands on the same playing field with other polities, especially with other governments of the civilized countries of the world.
In the country there is order of the country, in the world there is order of the world. Having stood with civilized countries, we must also learn from them, must know how to play by the rules. As for the Communist Party of Vietnam, however, it’s almost as if they still behave the same way they did when they first won power. There is no law without heaven, they can act as they want, without paying attention to the law.
When there are disputes in the South China Sea as well as in other regions of the world, the Communist Party of Vietnam also pretends to be understanding, as they always say that all parties need to respect international law. However, the fact that they have a huge budget ready, and abundant human resources, to be ready for the kidnapping mission in any country in the world, it shows that the Communist Party of Vietnam Nam still keeps the habit of “wild animals” from the beginning. Still acting very instinctively.
The German newspaper TAZ put Nguyen Phu Trong’s picture on its cover, alluding to the nature of the Communist Party. The previous kidnapping of Trinh Xuan Thanh was not only To Lam’s fault, but it expressed the nature of the Communist Party. To Lam is just an executor.
A regime that insists on complying with international law, but doesn’t take it seriously. When they go to other countries, they still act as if they are at home, arresting people like transnational mafia organizations, how can they call on the world to support Vietnam when some forces violate international law to infringe on Vietnam’s interests?
In fact, on the surface, the Vietnamese Communists let the propaganda machine preach morality, but inside, they taught their police force all kinds of dirty tricks. They do not teach this force to obey the law, even though the police are the law enforcement force. That’s why there are so many unjust judgments. For the Communists, the law is just a tool, not something they have to protect and obey. With the Communists, they work regardless, as long as they achieve their goals. Their propaganda system was asigned to cover up all those bad deeds.
Nguyen Phu Trong once said, “The Constitution is the most important legal and political document, after the Party Platform!” He himself considers the Constitution to be secondary and not equal to his Party’s laws, so how can there be a general secretary of the party with a spirit of respect for the law?
Thoibao.de (Translated)