Why was Huy Duc arrested?

An internal source said “Huy Duc was arrested for attacking To Lam” through the article “A country cannot develop based on fear” right after the Ministry of Public Security submitted a draft control regulation on trading and possessing knives with blades longer than 20cm.

The internal source also emphasized “To Lam is as strong as splitting bamboo, he has thousands of people who want to flatter him.”

Internal news



Because Huy Duc’s Facebook is no longer visible, Thoibao.de reposted this article:

A nation cannot develop based on fear

Huy Duc – May 26, 2024


“Watching the Hongkong movie, a pair of chopsticks, a card, in the hands of a master can also become a weapon. If the mindset is ‘consensus’ [everyone is a criminal], perhaps one day we will have to eat with our hands, because chopsticks are dangerous weapons” – a law professor said when following the amendments in the “Law on Management of handling and use of weapons, explosives and support tools.”

According to the professor, effective and civilized management is to manage usage behavior, associated with spatial context, for example [bringing those tools to] bus stations, train stations, etc but the lady selling pho, the guy selling lottery, etc having to wear a license hanging around their neck when making a living is ridiculous; Managing from production will push up business costs, but it is of no use when people fight in the kitchen.

I strongly agree with the professor, but I do not only approach the issue from a legal perspective, I think a lot from the security aspect of the people. If defined as in the draft, which Vietnamese family, especially farmers, does not have at least one tool “belonging to the list of rudimentary weapons prescribed by the Minister of Public Security” [See bottom of article, PS section].

A few weeks ago, a veteran leader of the police sector was also surprised to see the media reporting “Inspectors of the Ministry of Public Security inspect the State Bank.” And he was explained by a retired general that this is “an inspection of compliance with legal regulations on protecting state secrets and network security.”

When the Cyber ​​Security Law was being discussed, some parliamentary delegates and legal experts saw this situation [the police can “enter” many sectors]; Although, with conventional national management thinking and the understanding of a former senior police officer, no one imagined that the police would have that additional function.

We understand the difficulties of National Assembly members when criticizing policies and laws submitted by the Ministry of Public Security. Even we, when we voice our opinions on police policies, often receive many recommendations. But “when the nation falls, men are responsible.”


Vietnam is maintaining an institution similar to China. Vietnam should learn from China in what they get right: The Minister of Public Security is not a member of the Politburo. Perhaps the ruling Communist Party of China views the police as a tool of the Politburo and does not let the Politburo become a hostage of the police.

The Ministry of Public Security should not be structured as it is now, but the investigation function should not be given to the police force.

There should be national police and local police. The national police, mainly a mobile police force [to fight violence and maintain unity]. As for the local police [to ensure security and protect the people], they must be selected, appointed and mobilized by the local government, in accordance with the budget and local characteristics. Localities with good security [due to economic development and people’s trust in the government] can staff an extremely streamlined police force.

On the contrary, investigation agencies are not arranged according to administrative levels but can be divided into regions and areas. The national investigation agency mainly investigates corruption, position-related crimes and organized crime [local police can investigate common crimes such as theft, intentional injury, etc.].

The National Assembly should monitor and evaluate the policy of bringing regular police to communes. Many grassroots leaders today are regretting the time when commune police officers, even though they did not receive a regular salary, whenever they heard of any incident [theft, causing trouble…] they act immediately; They are police officers who are close to the people, know the area well and always work closely with the commune government.

Practice over the years has shown that it is not because the police force is large that the country is safer. Crime has never developed as complicated as it has in the past, and if online fraud has elements [the downside] of the technological age, then “bank robbery” is a phenomenon that was very rare in the past [and, Ms. Truong My Lan transferred trillions of cash out of banks; riot involving hundreds of people… without being detected in the bud].

I believe, if we cut staff by 2/3 and increase salaries by 3, not only will security be improved, but the image of police in the eyes of the people will also be more beautiful.

Our current management mechanism, especially land and project management, is very difficult to get right. Very few people in this system have ever signed and dare to believe that they have not done anything wrong. That reality has caused only a very few people operating this system to not live in fear. Not just officials. Laws that nearly every family and most people can violate should be avoided. Don’t let civilians always feel anxious and insecure.


No country can thrive based on fear.

I believe that now, General To Lam will think like a head of state, not like someone who firmly controls the Ministry of Public Security, putting national interests above police interests.

After years of boredom witnessing corrupt officials “eating everything” and eagerly awaiting arrests; Now, what the country needs is a truly peaceful period. Institutional changes are needed so that officials can be kind while in office, and people can sleep well when they say and do righteous things.

PS: According to the draft Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Support Tools (amended), highly lethal knives are sharp knives, with blade lengths ranging from 20cm or more or with a blade length of less than 20cm but converted and assembled to have the same functions and effects as highly lethal knives on the list of rudimentary weapons issued by the Minister of Public Security. This draft law also requires “declaration of primitive weapons and highly lethal knives in production, business, export, and import.”