Vietnamese communist chief’s tricks and its result

In Russia, Putin abolished the two-term limit, to clear the way for him to sit as President for life. In China, Xi Jinping also abolished term limits, allowing him to satisfy his ambition for power for the rest of his life. In Vietnam, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) did not abolish the 2-term limit in his party’s law, but he was more cunning, inventing a so-called “special case” so that he could benefit and sit for a third term. Meaning, Trong did not destroy the party’s law, he only “added” to it. The General Secretary’s actions can be called “sly.”

When paving the way for themselves to take power for life, each dictator has his own way of doing things. However, the general formula is not much different – that is, making a good impression on the authorities and the people. After gaining society’s trust, they then carried out the plot.

With Putin, he took advantage of the period of high world oil prices to achieve results in economic development and win the hearts of the people. Thanks to that, Putin strengthened the cadre around him, then proceeded to tear up the rule of law, to pave the way for his ambitions for power.

Xi Jinping uses an anti-corruption tactic called “fighting tigers and killing flies.” This trick is like hitting two birds with one stone. The first purpose is to “clear the weeds” of the elements that Xi believes are blocking his way. The second purpose is to create trust in Chinese society, and at all levels of government. After a period of purging most opposition forces, Xi Jinping personally eliminated regulations of the Chinese Communist Party that could hinder his ambitions for power.

Perhaps, Mr. Trong is a “student” of Xi Jinping, because. Trong’s way of doing things is no different from Xi. The initial results were also quite successful, as during the 2016-2021 term, and the first half of the 2021-2026 term, Mr. Trong did not have a worthy opponent in the political arena. The tricks that Trong learned from Xi Jinping, he has now used up, and left great consequences for the country. In the near future, after his death, 100 million people will have to suffer the consequences he leaves behind for a long time.

Vietnamese politics before Trong’s time was much more stable than now. Never before has the Politburo fallen as much as this term, which is a sign of disorder, a consequence of what Trong has done. He himself tore up the rules, so now the Politburo no longer has any order.

After Trong, there will be endless life and death battles between factions. Thus, where can we get the human and intellectual resources to plan national development policies? When the chair is unstable, everyone is worried about keeping the chair, no one has the mind to maintain social stability anymore.

The race for the 14th party’s National Congress has begun since the end of the 13th National Congress. After the 13th congress, some people achieve their ambitions, some do not. Those who have achieved their ambitions plan out bigger ambitions for the next term, those who have not yet achieved them try to achieve them. Since then, the party Central Committee and the Politburo have started new races.

At the bottom, they race by bribery, running for position, running for power, to be promoted. In the leadership, senior officials fight every moment, every incident to compete. The “structural” form of succession is no longer fashionable.

Since General Secretary Trong showed his entire party that it was possible to achieve results by fighting and fighting, his successors also followed this path to gain power. Therefore, his plan in which Vuong Dinh Hue to replace him was completely bankrupt.

After Trong, Vietnam’s political elite will be a mess.


Tran Chuong –