Minister Luong Tam Quang encountered trouble at airport during his recent visit to Russia

October 7, 2024

An internal source said that on September 11, 2024, at the invitation of General Sergey Shoigu, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security led by Minister Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang visited and attended the Conference of Senior Leaders in charge of security of countries held in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.

During his visit in the Russian Federation, Minister Quang was taken by his secretary Nguyen Minh Phuong (Phuong used to work as a police officer at Tan Son Nhat border gate) to eat bear paws and seal meat.

That day, many police generals and businesses attended the “illegal” banquet because on the banquet table, in addition to 5 bottles of very expensive Macallan wine, there were only special dishes of rare and endangered wild animals.

Nguyen Minh Phuong has an older brother named Thanh, who is a fraudster from the North to the South. After cheating many individuals and groups, Thanh fled to France and bought many houses and land for rent. After Quang became minister, Thanh turned into a successful businessman running motels and hotels.

Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Shoigu Sergey Kuzhugetovich welcomed Minister Luong Tam Quang

Phuong and his brother are currently undertaking many cases of lobbing cases and arranging personnel for the Ministry of Public Security from local to central levels. In addition, Phuong also has a special relationship with Major General Nguyen Ngoc Lam, currently Deputy Minister of Public Security. During Ngoc Lam’s tenure as Director of Department C03 (Department of Police Investigation of Crimes of Corruption, Economy, and Smuggling – Ministry of Public Security), Phuong was given a position by Ngoc Lam to run cases at Department C03 and had the right to deeply intervene in the legal records of the defendants.

Phuong used fake degrees to enter the police force, but no one dared to question about it. While everyone knew that Phuong was originally a police officer at the department level who stamped passports at Tan Son Nhat border gate – without any training or course in investigation, Phuong had a certificate as an intermediate investigator and openly worked as an assistant to the Chief of the Security Investigation Agency, Ministry of Public Security – at that time, Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang.

This is the cause of social injustice and also te answer to the question of why educated, talented, and capable Vietnamese people have to flee abroad to make a living.

If the above incident had stopped at an “illegal” banquet, it would have sunk into the darkness of the past, but it continued to reappear as if wanting to let the world know how luxurious the royal life of the police generals in Vietnam. Many senior police generals would do anything, such as setting traps to put opponents in jail, plotting assassinations, destroying reputations, etc.

Minister Luong Tam Quang and his delegation laid flowers at the Ho Chi Minh monument in Saint Petersburg.

After days of “hard work” and entertainment in the land of the white birch, Gen. Quang and his entourage went to the airport to return to Vietnam. When arriving at the airport security checkpoint, Quang, his secretary Phuong and his entourage were detained for more than 2 hours because airport security discovered 12 polar bear legs packed in 3 freezer boxes and 2 skinned Amur tigers – they are classified as precious and rare in group IB (threatened with extinction, strictly prohibited from exploitation and use). After making a record and seizing the above-mentioned boxes, the competent authority of Russia requested a police officer in the delegation to stay and resolve the case.

Currently, Minister Quang and his secretary Phuong are calling on the Department Directors and Deputy Department Directors who accompanied the delegation to claim that the shipment is theirs – but they all refused and blamed each other, so now the Ministry of Public Security is in a mess like “a pot of chive soup.”

The incident may “sink” but the truth is that the Ministry of Public Security delegation led by Minister Quang to the Russian Federation used and transported rare and precious animals from Russia to Vietnam – it may not be a big deal to high-ranking officials of Vietnam, but that action greatly affects the prestige and position of Vietnam in the eyes of the international community.