Thunder in clear sky – Truong Thi Mai is about to retire: Truth or rumor?

The recent departure of a series of the most powerful figures of the “Four Pillars” of Vietnam’s leadership has been considered an unprecedented political earthquake in the history of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

According to international observers and media, the continuous departure of top leaders reflects an alarming escalation, indicating that the power struggle within the Party is showing signs of losing control.

Immediately after departure of top legislator Vuong Dinh Hue, social networks spread rumors that “There is about to be a huge ‘explosion’ like Vo Van Thuong and Vuong Dinh Hue” which will take place in the near future. In addition, there was news “Mrs. [Truong Thi] Mai refuses to be Chairwoman of the National Assembly. If she is still forced to, she will immediately apply for leave.” This has made public opinion extremely surprised.

For a long time, analysts have said that Mai is a “clean” officiL, with no signs of corruption. Mai grew up as an officer of the “youth campaign” like Vo Van Thuong, who had little to do with material things and money. However, the fact that Thuong was convicted of receiving VND64 billion from Phuc Son Group 12 years ago, when he was still Secretary of Quang Ngai province, has destroyed the argument just mentioned.

Professor Zachary Abuza, from the US National War College in Washington, has a latest commentary titled “The battle for Vietnam’s leadership heats up, after a series of dismissals that reduced number of opponents.” The article evaluated three people who have the opportunity to become General Secretary in the next term, including: Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Standing member of the Secretariat and Head of the Central Committee’s Organizing Commission Truong Thi Mai, and Minister of Public Security To Lam.

Author Abuza assessed, “Ms. Mai is a capable and experienced person.” Accordingly, she is ranked third in the Politburo, after Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue was recently dismissed. And this 66-year-old female leader is said to have the most extensive ability and experience among the three candidates for the position of General Secretary.

However, Mr. Zachary Abuza also revealed quite surprising information, that is, “Mrs. [Mai’s] family has shares in the medical field, but until now, this issue has not been announced public.”

More surprisingly, in the latest commentary, related to the “chaos” out of control in Vietnamese politics, when mentioning the so-called “bombardment” against provincial leaders,” BBC commented that:

“The fire from General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s anti-corruption furnace is constantly spreading to the provinces and cities. A series of provincial leaders, including many senior who are under “central management” have been prosecured in many different levels, in light cases of Party discipline, in serious cases of criminal prosecution.”

Most recently, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee of Bac Giang province, Duong Van Thai, was probed and arrested due to his involvement with Thuan An Group – the group that caused Hue to leave.

Previously, on March 20, in Vinh Phuc, provincial Party Secretary Hoang Thi Thuy Lan was probed and arrested for “receiving bribes” related to the case at Phuc Son Group – the Group that caused Thuong to proactively resign.

Experts affirmed “If Lam Dong arrests more officials in 1 or 2 days, it will not be strange.” In early 2024, the Police Department of Investigation of Corruption, Economic and Smuggling Crimes (C03) of the Ministry of Public Security temporarily detained  Tran Van Hiep – Chairman of Lam provincial People’s Committee to investigate the act of “receiving bribes.” Expanding the investigation, C03 further arrested Tran Duc District – Secretary of the Lam Dong provincial Party Committee, to investigate the act of abusing his position and powers while performing official duties.

The source said that at C03, two defendants, Hiep and District, testified that Mai, in her position as a senior leader, repeatedly pressured and threatened them, forcing them to act illegally, to commit crimes. benefiting Nguyen Cao Tri and abetting Dai Ninh Group.

Facebooker Hoang Dung once confirmed that Tran Duc Quan – Secretary of the Lam Dong provincial Party Committee, spent money to build a private house for Mai in Saigon.

Some time ago, there was an opinion that the next victims in the power war would be those who could compete for the position of General Secretary, such as Hue, Chinh, and Mai.


All of these characters have rumors about bribery scandals, corruption, or misogyny. As for Mai, rumors accused her subordinates of building a house with corrupt money./.


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