Why does General Secretary To Lam have to take full leadership control

General Secretary To Lam has made a statement “Vietnam will enter a new era, the era of national growth.” At the same time, he made a commitment to lead the country towards a better future. This is considered an order for the upcoming reform.

More than anyone, Lam understands the not-so-good ending of former leaders in the past such as Tran Do and Tran Xuan Bach when they bravely waved the reform flag, even though it was not the right time and they had to pay a heavy price.

That is the reason why, not long ago, Lam had a series of “testing the waters” signs regarding reactions within the ruling communist party.

During his first visit to China as Vietnam’s communist chief, Lam decided to go to Guangzhou – the cradle of the Vietnamese Revolution – to visit the red addresses.

Observers assessed that Lam affirmed his steadfast and unchanging stance in the line of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

In conferences or important events, Lam always took a minute to commemorate the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to show respect for his deceased predecessor.

However, observers believe that all of the above are just political tricks, to cover up the suspicion of “taking the breathing tube out” of Trong by To Lam and his faction.

The Party’s line has clearly stated that the Party belongs to the working class and the working masses. The Party takes Marxism-Leninism as its ideological foundation, and the Party is the only political force to guide and lead the country.

Therefore, any manifestations that differ from this will be considered deviations from the Communist ideal. These are considered serious violations and must be thoroughly dealt with. The fact that figures such as Tran Do and Tran Xuan Bach who had a strong tendency to innovate, when the reform movement initiated by Gorbachev in the Communist parties, is an example. Bach was criticized, severely denounced, and finally disciplined, forced to leave the Politburo and the Central Committee.

Currently, Lam has shown signs of being more pro-American and pro-Western than pro-Chinese in foreign policy.

The above shows that the resistance of a significant number of high-ranking members of the Communist Party of Vietnam, who are loyal disciples of the late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, is reasonable.

Currently, the power and influence of Lam and his faction in the Party are not strong enough, with the few number of Central Committee members and Politburo members of the Hung Yen faction.

That is the reason why, in recent times, Lam has made great efforts in personnel organization, to put his trusted figures into the Politburo and key leadership positions. But the above-mentioned efforts have created the opposite effect, which further increases discontent in the Party.

Meanwhile, according to some opinions, the force opposing General Secretary To Lam in the Party is said to have an overwhelming advantage, which is the support of the Beijing leadership. Lam’s expressions of being more pro-US and pro-Western than pro-China will certainly be stopped by Beijing, one way or another.

This is considered a deviation and betrayal of the Communist ideal, if Lam loses power. That shows that, at the present time, he is sitting on the back of a tiger. Therefore, he and his faction have only one choice. That is – to confront to the end the remaining part of the Party, with the motto “to win all or lose everything.”


Tra My – Thoibao.de