Vietnamese new leader’s biggest gamble is to ask for China’s support in dealing with comrades

To Lam rebelled and successfully replaced Nguyen Phu Trong as the country’s absolute leader. The personnel built Trong is being gradually replaced by the former police chief. But certainly, Lam will still keep Trong’s formula for success, just as he keeps the “furnace” to continue to purge other factions. The former police chief is determined to firmly hold the Ministry of Public Security and find a way to control the Defense Ministry. And most importantly, he needs to “beg” for Xi Jinping’s protection.

Lam is a far-sighted person. From September 2023, right after US President Joe Biden boarded his plane to return home from Hanoi, Lam quickly boarded a plane to Beijing, to “report” the results. This is considered a diplomatic trip to prepare for future visits, in a different position.

It is unclear how Lam was “approved” by China during the above visit. It is only known that after returning from Beijing, Lam has continuously been carrying out major battles and won one after another.

When attacked, Vuong Dinh Hue also went to China to “ask for help” but still could not escape, which may partly show the dark side of Vietnam’s political picture. It is very possible that Xi Jinping chose Lam and abandoned Hue.

The Communist Party of Vietnam holds the power to rule the country, and they have turned the entire population blind. When the state-controlled press did not announce anything about the visit to Beijing of General Secretary and State President Lam, the foreign press already knew.

The foreign press reported a few days ago that on August 18, Lam would begin his miden official visit to China as the party chief. This has been confirmed by the state-controlled media.

This is his first foreign visit as General Secretary.

The Communist Party of Vietnam often has the so-called “reporting achievements to Uncle Ho” when they achieve something. Perhaps, Lam’s upcoming trip will be a trip to “report achievements” to China?

Generations of Vietnamese Communist leaders have always appeared “gentle” towards Beijing, with the aim of securing political benefits for the party and for its individual leaders. Sadly, generations of Vietnamese Communist Party leaders have always carried out this “mission” lacking independence and autonomy, causing Vietnam to be constantly provoked and overwhelmed by Beijing, time and time again.

When Lam becomes General Secretary, he will not be tough towards Beijing, but will still “inherit” the obedience of previous generations of leaders. With Beijing’s protection, Vietnamese leaders can feel secure in fighting each other within the party, to compete and consolidate personal power. That is how generations of Vietnamese Communist leaders have sacrificed national interests to consolidate their positions in the country.

Deaths like those of Nguyen Ba Thanh, Tran Dai Quang and Le Van Thanh all have one thing in common: they fell ill after returning from a trip to China. In politics, if To Lam had not suffered like those other figures, but on the contrary, had been wholeheartedly treated by Beijing when he fell ill, to prolong his life and enjoy full power, like Trong did, then that would be a sign of Lam’s choice.

After all, with China, Lam could hardly have had any other choice.

Most high-ranking leaders in the party consider obeying China to both ensure political advantage and ensure their safety. That is the tragedy for the country. Because despite the disadvantages before Beijing’s unreasonable demands, most leaders of the Communist Party of Vietnam choose to “give in” to keep themselves safe.

When Lam became General Secretary, there was nothing new in his foreign policy towards China. He was submissive to have a strong support, and that was how he could create an inviolable position on the political stage.


Thai Ha –