China deploys aircraft that can take off from military outposts in the South China Sea

China’s J-15 fighter

The Chinese military has deployed helicopters and early warning aircraft on two islands occupied by Beijing in the South China Sea. Some experts, quoted by the Washington Times on July 13, 2021, say this is a sign that the Chinese military has begun routine flight operations from these bases.

According to many satellite images obtained by the Washington Times, KJ-500 early warning and patrol aircraft were deployed in May and June at Mischief Reef in the Truong Sa (Spratlys), the archipelago claimed by Vietnam and the Philippines. A Y-9 transport aircraft and a Z-8 helicopter were deployed at Subi Reef in June and July. In April 2020, China also sent an anti-submarine patrol aircraft KQ-200 to Fiery Cross Reef.

Mischief Reef and Subi Reef together with Fiery Cross to create a military triangle have been equipped by China with many advanced missiles since 2018, although before that, in Washington (USA), President Xi Jinping pledged not to militarization the area.

The US monitors the activities of Chinese submarines in the South China Sea

In addition to operations for freedom of navigation, the US military also closely monitors Chinese submarine activity. In a report on July 13, Beijing-based Strategic Situation Monitoring Initiative (SCSPI) said that US patrol ships operated in the South China Sea almost daily in the first half of the year 2021 (161 out of 181 days to be specific), especially in the waters near the Hoang Sa (Paracels), which are believed to be a hotspot.

The US has five USNS (Victorious, Able, Effective, Loyal, and Impeccable) ocean surveillance ships based in Japan. These ships in turn were sent to the South China Sea and operated for at least 10 to 40 days. The South China Morning Post page reiterated Washington’s position that these campaigns are necessary to control China’s excessive sovereignty claims. (Translated)
