Vietnam heroic “People’s Army” acts cowardly

The army is corrupt

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has no achievements to brag about, they only brag about past feats. The 19541975 period was a period of fraternal war, but they thought it was “anti-American to save the country” and since then, they thought that they had defeated the strongest empire in the world. A wise government is one that avoids the country’s confrontation with any empire. Like Thailand, they don’t have to use their blood and bones to win against any empire, but they won’t lose their country to any empire. That’s for the people.

In the war of South and North Vietnam, the US only lost 58,000 soldiers, but this was too large a number for the US. Meanwhile, more than 2 million Vietnamese on both sides fell, but what did Vietnam gain?

Vietnam suffered a serious loss of internal strength, and then poverty, ignorance, and loss of freedom. That is the price that people to pay for the victory of the Communist Party.

It is these similar achievements that now, the Communist Party honors its army as a hero. They boasted that they had defeated three great empires. And now, they maintain a military that is among the largest in Southeast Asia.

From 1979 up to now, the Vietnam People Army has not tried in any war yet, but if they try, they are also in a position of yielding, not showing the heroism as they exhort. For many years now, the Chinese army has been blatantly aggressive, but Vietnam remains silent. The Coast Guard is mainly on the shore, taking advantage of corruption is much but not protecting the sea and islands of the country.

As for the military, it is clear that in recent years, newcomers have been beaten everywhere. New recruits were beaten to death, similar to the greeting procedure in prisons, in which many soldiers were beaten to death. It is worth mentioning that the army hid all these things so the problem remains. It was a sign of a weary army. Even with a large army, it is difficult to protect the country, if there is a war with a strong enemy.

That is what is happening in the “People’s Army.” This sign of decay happened many years ago, but it was all covered up. The Communist Party still gives the Central Commission on Propaganda and Education a great shout out about their army, they take pride in their past achievements. Every year, mountains of money are poured to celebrate the old victory days, as if to affirm to the whole people that this is the heroic people’s army.

Once the army is undisciplined, corruption is rampant, even if the army has many generals, it will not be strong. Once the army lacks internal strength, it manifests itself on the outside, without having to do much research.

On the afternoon of July 28, Deputy Commander, Chief of Staff of the Ho Chi Minh City Command, Major General Le Xuan The, said that there should be regulations to punish those who wear camouflage clothing, military equipment, and military equipment of unknown purpose.

From time immemorial, people still buy camouflage clothing to wear normally. The suit has no flaws, it’s just soldier style. In the US, people buy camouflage clothes, do they get caught?

Suddenly, after the Dak Lak incident, both the army and the police were afraid of camouflage uniforms. This is a phenomenon to be aware of, an army is decaying, they seem to have the liver of a jellyfish but not the liver of a tiger, like a real warrior.

The army is exhausted, the corruption is terrible, the discipline is poor, it is inevitable that these things will only come out. Such an army is only dense, not elite. Those who are brave enough to act as commanders, try to ask, when the country is in danger, how can they control the army and command the generals? Or will they surrender early?

During the 1954-1975 period, at that time people were still confused, the Party used propaganda to deceive generations. But now that the Party has shown its greedy, authoritarian, undisciplined, and unfair face to soldiers, what else is there to be a hero? (Translated)