Leaked Information: Gen. Luong Tam Quang proposed to head Vietnam’s police

Right after Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Public Security Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang requested “strengthening the protection of the Party’s state secrets,” images of a hidden conference of the Central Police Party Committee were leaked online.

That is the “Conference of key officials to get opinions and introduce candidates for the Minister of Public Security for the 2021-2026 term” organized by the Central Public Security Party Committee yesterday afternoon, May 28 in Hanoi.

Image above: ” Conference of key officials to get opinions and introduce candidates for the Minister of Public Security for the 2021-2026 term” on May 28, 2024 was leaked to social networks; Picture below: Conference summarizing 10 years of implementing Directive No. 39-CT/TW of the Politburo on strengthening internal political protection in the current situation (taking place on the morning of May 28).

In this confidential conference, not reported in the media, key officials of the Ministry of Public Security carried out a vote of confidence for the position of Minister of Public Security (to succeed To Lam) to propose to the Politburo for consideration.

Previously, on the morning of May 28 in Hanoi, the Central Public Security Party Committee also held a conference to summarize 10 years of implementing Directive No. 39-CT/TW of the Politburo on strengthening Internal political security work in the current situation.

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Deputy Minister Tran Quoc To clearly stated that protecting internal politics is a strategic, long-term task, related to the survival of the Party and the survival of the regime.

Under the direction of Deputy Minister Luong Tam Quang, delegates focused their discussions on issues of strengthening the protection of the Party’s state secrets in the current situation.

Continue to coordinate with all levels and sectors to improve the capacity and effectiveness of state management of all types of information and communication media; focus on fighting sabotage activities of subjects in cyberspace; don’t let hostile forces, reactionaries, and bad elements take advantage of you to fight against the Party and State and sabotage internal affairs.

According to information spread on social networks, Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang was introduced to the Politburo for considereation for the position of Minister of Public Security, succeeding General To Lam who was elected to the State President earlier this month.

Images shared on social networks show the title of Minister of Public Security of Senior General Luong Tam Quang.


Hieu Ba Linh (Summary)

https://congan.com.vn/tin-chinh/nang-cao-hon-nua-ve-nhan-thuc-chinh-tri-noi-bo-va-cong-tac-bao-ve-chinh-tri- noi-bo_162816.html