When people need it, where is the Party?

The Central region is struggling to cope with natural disasters, floods have caused so many suffering and losses to the land between the two ends of the country.

However, the fighting and power struggle for the 13th National Congress is still the number one priority of the communist government. The Party is always proud that the Party is the vanguard of the proletariat, but when the people suffer floods that endanger their lives, let alone their houses and fields submerged in the sea, where is the Party and what do its senior officials do?

These days, the online community has spread articles about who resent a central person entitled “Comrades, when our people need you, Where are you?”

Hình ảnh này chưa có thuộc tính alt; tên tệp của nó là 2020-10-22_193741-1024x576.jpg
Conference on implementing the collection and payment of the Disaster Prevention Fund of Thua Thien Hue province held at the province’s People’s Committee on April 12, 2019

Here is the full article:

I myself am a resident of Le Thuy district, from young to old, have also witnessed through many floods. Life drove us to work far away from the countryside, so every time the flood came back we kept a watchful eye on the people who stayed behind. For people in the flooded areas, living with floods is quite familiar. But this flood came, swept away everything. Now life is the most important thing, whether or not other things are not that passionate …

Comrades, officers, let me ask one question: When people need, where are you?!

Every year, there is a natural disaster prevention fund, deducting 1 day’s salary per year from the employee. Then the comrades were sent to training courses for many times. So what?

Water reached our houses’ roof, many people do not know alive or died. Our parents are hungry and our children are thirsty. Tens of thousands of people are submerged in the sea of ​​water, please ask a very sincere question: where are you now?!

From the flood day up to now, the comrades are the ones who know best about the warning situation of the meteorological agencies. How far are you going to plan the rescue people or you are still “researching” for strategy and planning?

Hình ảnh này chưa có thuộc tính alt; tên tệp của nó là 2020-10-22_193801-1024x576.jpg
Canoe formation of a group of young people traveling around Quang Tri flooded areas for relief for many days

Then over the years, the comrades attended conferences, training and rescue drills of all types. Comrades, our people do not ask anything, comrades, now you let us ask one more heartfelt question: Have you learned any strategies but right now there is no plan for rescuing our fellow citizens!

Or the house of comrades is too tall, so you cannot see the houses of our compatriots by looking down?

Do you understand the feeling of loved ones in the middle of the sea, the roof is not high enough to live, the radio is out of battery, do not know where to cling to, no drinking water nor rice?

Our people saved each other by themselves, you told them to let you plan the distribution, even issued oral bans for people heling each other? Comrades said very decisively: let us plan the distribution and rescue of people as quickly as possible.

Then let our people ask, how long does it take to make plans, comrades? You comrades forbid people from running canoes to help, telling them to leave donations for you to deal with. Where are your canoeing comrades? How many people have you saved, comrades? Just now, I have just watched the news, some comrade said that your distribution can meet 70% of the needs of the people. It seems that you are not embarrassed from lying?

The comrades brought things to the commune’s building headquarters, post on Facebook to tell who had boats to pick up the goods. Surely that is the strategy? Do you wonder how many houses have boats in 1 village? How they can use Facebook when their smartphones run out of battery? Not to mention that in the countryside now the majority of people are old and young, they do not use Facebook!

Some residents have a boat, showed up and asked for a life jacket. The comrades told them that you left jackets in the river so people can pick it up. To be honest with comrades, I just want to curse it! You guys put life jackets in the middle of the river for people to swim out to pick up? Or what if someone was swimming and was lucky enough to pick up a life jacket which was dropped by you?

Then the comrades went to the inspection. Canoeing (people close to the river we call flying canoes) like running from enemy. Waves from the canoe, comrades surf the wind, hit all the houses on both sides. Comrades glided so quickly that you might not be able to hear the people who were close to the river cursing every time you inspected!

To tell the truth to you, our people are fed up with you!

If you can do it, you just do it, do it quickly. Any strategic strategy is fine, but quickly enter. What we need now is life. Our people are about to hold out anymore !!

Facing such a dangerous situation, the slow and lethargic response of the Vietnamese communist government has made people angry. Experts from many days still wonder why the government has not declared a “national disaster.”

Hình ảnh này chưa có thuộc tính alt; tên tệp của nó là 2020-10-22_193904-1024x575.jpg
Rao Trang 3 Hydropower Plant in Phong Xuan Commune, Phong Dien District, Thua Thien Hue Province, viewed from above, where landslides recently occurred

Many comments are ironic about the nature of the government, such as “Vietnam is party-led, how can there be such a disaster as in the past, Mr. Duan said that Vietnam does not need a law because of its own criticism and self-criticism” or “Easy I understand, they are busy holding seats and looking for new seats.” It is said that a country with a communist ruling power is already a disaster.

Dr. To Van Truong, an irrigation expert, suggested 9 things to do immediately:

First, the establishment of three emergency rescue agencies in the North, Central and South regions. The team is recruited from conventional rescue units such as firefighters, engineers … including those who are strictly selected to have good physical strength, courage and sensitivity. They need to be properly trained and rehearsed – not creating flames in a drums and then grabbing water-absorbent canvas over and over, so easy and unrealistic! The team is on duty 7/24, so that when an order is ordered, they are present in the fastest time at the scene. In advanced countries, such rescue teams have the elite skills and complete equipment, comparable to that of a commando or commando!

Second, to establish a command and coordination process between civilian agencies – the military, and between the military services. Units such as engineers, supplies, and equipment will play an important role, so they need to be trained to fully grasp their roles.

Third, set up response instructions and organize propaganda for relevant units and companies. Each related hydropower, irrigation, hydropower project, mountain forest construction … needs to establish an incident response process, define who does what, each person reports to whom and mobilizes whom, quantity and type of equipment, food, water … need to be fully prepared, response actions such as evacuation depending on the level (such as rainfall forecast, wind supply …). Relevant staff at all levels need to thoroughly grasp the methods so that no one is surprised or panicked when deployed. For example in the case of Rao Trang 3: after a few days of information about floods, everyone had to evacuate others to a safe place, until the situation stabilized before they returned to work.

Fourthly, 1: 25000 mapping, classifying flood, earthquake, landslide and forest fire risks in key areas and then informing the local districts for clarification.

Hình ảnh này chưa có thuộc tính alt; tên tệp của nó là 2020-10-22_193843-1024x576.jpg
Dr. To Van Truong, an independent expert on water resources and environment, former Director of Southern Institute of Water Resources Planning

Fifth, depending on the level of forecasted risk, the district needs to establish a stockpile of essential goods, at least instant noodles, drinking water, and alum to settle cloudy water and water disinfectants. People in areas hit by natural disasters can treat available water sources around and drink.

Sixth, the district also needs to have a stockpile of rescue supplies such as pickers, shovels, ropes, flashlights, generators, protective vehicles, light excavators (for quick access to the scene), etc ..

Seventh, each district in the region, depending on the level of risk forecast, sets up an emergency response process, after training in basic theory and specific methods.

Eighth, review construction standards to respond to natural disasters. For example, during the French colonial period, when the French built roads, they focused on building horizontal drainage culverts, so that when the rain floods, water drains through these sluices, avoiding damage to roads. It seems that today we pay little attention to this point. Another example is in an ODA dam construction project, the foreign expert pointed out that downstream of the dam is a densely populated area, with many rice fields and shrimp ponds, with towns and cities, should design dam reservoirs with longer repeated rain cycles. The Vietnamese side responded that the domestic design standard was a shorter repeated rain cycle, years, so they just did it, ignoring the expert’s opinion.

Ninth, in particular, needs to review design standards for climate change and sea-level rise projections. This can affect structures hundreds of kilometers off the coast. Although the design will increase costs, this cost will be very valuable in order to protect human lives, protect buildings that take a lot of money to build, and above all: protect people’s lives.

Above is one of many legitimate proposals of experts, but the communist government has ignored it because it is focused on keeping the regime.

Thoibao.de (Translated)