Promotion of Vu Hong Van- another win of To Lam over Politburo

The decision to appoint Vu Hong Van to Deputy Head of the Central Committee’s Inspection Commission was made by the Politburo, however, everyone understands whose idea this was.

Thus, it is clear that the Politburo is no longer a “super-powerful” body but has been subject to the control of an individual. A super-powerful body, which has long been above all individuals, above all types of laws, both Party law and legal law, now has to strictly obey General Secretary cum President To Lam. Truly, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) ‘s power is being redirected.

Currently, many important figures in the Politburo and the Central Commmittee still worship late General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. It can be said that if there were no Trong, there would be no To Lam. Although Trong has no intention of passing his leadership to To Lam, it is clear that he created authoritarian To Lam today.

Even though it was for personal reasons, to eliminate his opponent, Trong truly wanted the best for the Party. However, because he used the wrong people and the wrong methods, he allowed a militaristic, dictatorial and factionalist To Lam to have the opportunity to grow as strong as he has today.

Once To Lam had manipulated the Politburo, he would never give the remaining members a chance to rise. All other forces in the Party had to accept the rules of the game that To Lam had set, or they would be destroyed.

On August 3, in the morning, the Central Committee met and unanimously agreed to elect To Lam as General Secretary, but in the afternoon of the same day, To Lam forced 4 members of the Central Committee retired. That is, To Lam attacked the very official who had just voted for him to be the party chief. This shows how ruthless the new General Secretary is today.

Therefore, those in the Politburo who today agree with the decision to promote Vu Hong Van, the younger brother of To Lam’s first wife, they will suffer later. To Lam’s nature is cold and only cares about achieving goals. He uses the Politburo and the Party Central Committee like sugarcane, and after eating the sugarcane, throwing away the waste is normal.

With To Lam becoming General Secretary, the Party will enter a new phase – a phase of fierce internal purges. For others, even if they try to appear obedient, it is not safe for them. This does not need further proof, because as soon as he became General Secretary, To Lam has clearly demonstrated his coldness.

In the Secretariat, To Lam also needs to eliminate many members, including Phan Dinh Trac and Tran Cam Tu. Trac once wanted to take the Ministry of Public Security, intending to compete for the position of Minister, making it impossible for To Lam to leave his seat immediately after defeating Vo Van Thuong. If Trac is left behind, the future consequences for the To family will be very unpredictable.

The seven Politburo members in the Secretariat who were once promoted by Trong, are they now all powerless against To Lam. If Trong’s Secretariat does not unite to fight To Lam, there will be no chance for peace, let alone advancement. Because To Lam does not trust officials from other provinces like Trong.

If the old Secretariat falls, then surely, later, the Politburo will also fall, will become a puppet group, only knowing how to obey To Lam.

Vu Hong Van was promoted, Nguyen Duy Ngoc became the key treasurer for To Lam, not only the Secretariat is full of officials from Hung Yen, but it was also controllef by former police generals. It is expected that in the future, many figures from the Ministry of Public Security will move to the Secretariat to hold key positions. Those who are currently in the Secretariat should be mentally prepared to be “eaten” by To Lam at any time.

That is what a police state is like, now, the big officials in the Central Committee will slowly experience it.

Thai Ha –